Tuesday, February 19, 2013

TeamViewer 8.0.x installation in Slackware 14.0

For installing TeamViewer 8.0 in Slackware 14 usngRPM2TGZ Method;

Download the TeamViewer 8.0 Red Hat RPM package from TeamViewer home page.

$ wget http://www.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_linux.rpm

Follow below steps.

$ su
rpm2tgz teamviewer_linux.rpm
# installpkg teamviewer_linux.tgz
# ln -s /opt/teamviewer8/tv_bin/TeamViewer /usr/bin/
# ln -s /opt/teamviewer8/tv_bin/teamviewerd /usr/bin/
# teamviewerd
# exit

Execute launcher as user and have a fun with TeamViewer 8.0.

$ teamviewer

To generate symbollic link of TeamViewer 8.0.x launcher on desktop, run below command. 

$ ln -s /opt/teamviewer8/tv_bin/desktop/*.desktop ~/Desktop/

For above method, before launching the Teamviewer 8.0.x on next boots, you always need to start TeamViewer daemon by teamviewerd command manually as root. Currently, I am working on a SlackBuild for building TeamViewer 8.0.x package and start-up script that starts TeamViewer Daemon while booting. 

NOTE: If you have Slackware64 14.0 installed on your box, firstly you need to switch to multilib to make TeamViewer work. Because it requires requires these 32-bit packages: glibc, zlib, freetype, alsa-lib and GConf. After switching to mutilib, all of these dependencies are automatically met . In Slackware 14.0 (32-bit) full installation, there is no need for any of these dependency packages. Just follow the above instructions and run the TeamViewer. 


  1. Thanks for the solution. But why you used .rpm instead of tar.gz?

    1. "rpm2tgz" tool can easily convert rpm binaries to tgz binaries and also install, remove and upgrade processes take less effort and shorter time with native binary packages. That is why i used rpm instead of tgz. However, you need to execute teamviewerd script manually on every boot for successfully launching TeamViewer. But, below SlackBuild script method removes this issue.


  2. Tranks, for teamviewer 9 only change the 8 for 9
